What we did at NASA-Langley was basically dissect that material to answer the question, 'how does it do that?' By doing so, we can actually get down to computational modeling of these materials at the molecular level. Once we understand the material's behavior at that level, then we can create designer 'smart' materials. Anna McGowan, Does the above quote sound familiar? Metal that is cut, only to 'heal' itself? We have all become accustomed to hearing about technological advances that were initially spearheaded by secret military research projects. The Atom Bomb was developed during the Second World War amid incredibly tight security, and the first most people knew about Stealth technology was when the bat-like fighter-bombers were being rolled out of the hangars to attack the military apparatus of Iraq. Many of us are expecting a new dawn of technological wizardry to make its debut appearance during the current "War on Terrorism". The above statement also seems odd. Why would you strip down technology to see how it works if you had built it in the first place? Or does this mean that NASA-Langley did not make the material, but are in fact back-engineering it? Current cutting-edge technological research being conducted on behalf of the U.S. military could be connected to the materials found at the Roswell crash. Amazing advances are being made in the development of new metal alloys. These alloys have remarkable characteristics, in that they will change shape upon the application of an electric current or magnetic field. They change shape, or ‘morph’ as the researchers prefer to say, rapidly and with some considerable force. They are termed ‘compact hybrid actuators’, a mouthful of engineering jargon – they can be called ‘living metals’. Why? Because these alloys incorporate advanced nano-technology that is designed to enable them to mimic living systems in their versatility and dynamism. The list of potential applications seems endless, and the U.S. military is funding a variety of related research programs exploring the full range of options. Self-healing wings that flex and react like living organisms, versatile bombers that double as agile jet fighters, and swarms of tiny unmanned aircraft are just a few of the science-fiction-like possibilities that these next-generation technologies could make feasible in the decades ahead. This technology is being incorporated into prototype applications right now. These include morphing aeroforms in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and fighter aircraft, morphing rotor-blades in helicopters, in-flight navigation, guidance and control systems for small missiles, satellite technology (especially with respect to optical systems), and sonar-absorbing materials for submarines. These active and complex metal alloys are being designed to be used in ‘exo-skeletons’ to be worn by battle-field soldiers, creating ‘Robo-cop’ style advances in G.I. Joe’s combat performance. The U.S. Military is currently inviting applications for between $30-40m of research grants to find ways of facilitating neural transmission between the soldier’s brain waves and his living metal exo-skeleton. They are not expecting mere ‘incremental’ progress, either. The projects are 3-year terms in length, and many of them are nearing completion or are already accomplished. There is a palpable sense of urgency to this research, and we think this reflects the rapid advances being made in these projects. The entire project is being supported by the following military organisations: the US Army Research Office, the Office Of Naval Research, NASA Langley Research Center , and the Space Operations Vehicle Technology Office, AFRL/VAS at Wright Patterson AFB.
There is a hangar at Wright Patterson Air Force base that contains very highly classified material, believed to be Roswell and/or other ET remains, so tightly controlled that even Barry Goldwater, a US Senator and Major General in the USAF Reserve, was denied access. Other projects that involve the shape memory alloys include vortex wake control (vortex tabs on control planes), smart wings, smart skins (self and radiated noise cancellation) smart panel (structure acoustic and vibration isolation) and they are to be used in the construction of space laser weapons in the future. these alloys incorporate advanced nano-technology that is designed to enable them to mimic living systems in their versatility and dynamism. Morphing Metals Time is ripe for the insertion of smart structures and materials into space systems. ~Dr. Keith Denoger, Airforce Research Laboratories This information blows the lid off the ‘seeding technology’ business between the US Military and private industry/academic research labs. Taken in the context of the claims of Colonel Philip Corso and others, it adheres to a pattern that is noticeable, and significant. These summaries of ‘morphing metal’ technologies have been gleaned from the extensive DARPA site, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is the central research and development organization for the Department of Defense (DoD). It manages and directs selected basic and applied research and development projects for DoD, and pursues research and technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military roles and missions. 1. "DARPA and the ARO have been developing active control applications of smart materials and structures over the last 6 years". So although this is a relatively recent programme exploring the potential for these technologies, the degree of practical application already managed would suggest an exciting level of success. The DARPA organization directs cutting edge research which is initially speculative, with a high probability of failure, but also with the potential for occasional bursts of brilliance. So, in the case of a fighter aircraft or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), the variability of the shape of the aero-form allows optimization for both 'subsonic interdiction' and also 'supersonic intercept missions'. In other words, an aircraft could assume one shape for flying towards a mission target, then take on another form for performing more rigorous manouevres when in action.This extends mission performance significantly. This is well known in some quarters, although it may still surprise many.But, from what we have been reading, we think that this is the tip of the ice-berg! The actuation devices enable surfaces to be controlled without the need for a traditional steering mechanism or driving hardware, increasing performance and structural stability. The devices are electrically driven, delivering a high force potential quickly. In practice, the shape of the wing actually re-contours whilst under significant external stresses, and then returns to its rest position without displacement after the applied electrical current has been stopped. In the case of missiles, thin film shape memory alloys might be used in nose control systems as compact navigation, guidance and control technologies. 3. Various alloys have been developed that retain a shape memory.Some of these actuators perform mechanically upon the application of a magnetic field only.For instance, that NiTinol, Ni-free Titanium and ferromagnetic Smart Memory Alloys can be "energized by [a] magnetic field".We think that this property may certainly have a connection with UFO technology, insofar as it has been generally reported; unidentified aero-forms that change shape mid-flight, and have hazy appearances that relate to an energy field pervasive around the UFO at the time. There are many magnetic anomalies reported by witnesses and researchers, and a correlation between changing form and magnetic field effects appears to be an important consideration. 4. A non-military application that has been cited by CHAP [Compact Hybrid Actuation Program] researchers (who may be anxious to see their research put to some beneficial use) is in the use of Braille. We understand this to mean that 'writing' could be induced upon a smooth metallic surface, that can then return to its flattened states for continual reuse. One can then imagine a scrolling metallic script upon a metal interface that will allow Braille readers to access, say, an electronic book with ease.It is a wonderful possibility. 5. It is mentioned that the architectures of the actuators are complex, and an allusion to an ‘organic system’ is given when talking about some of these remarkable metal alloys.Upon the stimulus of an external command the powered actuator will be able to produce a mechanical force autonomously, and respond to a degree of complexity hitherto unimagined.Given the incredible leaps in information technology that have been made over the past couple of decades, the level of command detail for a ‘morphing metal’ is very great indeed.If they are as adaptive as is being reported in the scientific papers, then their flexibility could certainly mimic living systems, like muscles.For instance, this quote is made by the Sarcos research team: These new actuators are similar in architecture to biological systems (elements arranged in parallel-series assemblies), but use very different building blocks. As in biological systems, the individual elements are optimized for best performance around one operating point… The power to drive the actuators is portable, and could, for instance, take the form of a back-pack worn by soldiers who arepowered lower body exoskeletons. But there are hints in the research texts alluding to truly 'intelligent' materials. We consider it likely that the modular architecture described fits in with the general concepts of 'nano-technology'. That is, the intelligent ‘biological’ actuators have purpose-built machines within it designed at the molecular level. 6. Finally, compact hybrid actuators are being developed to reduce levels of self-noise, particularly with respect to the sonar dedectibility of torpedoes. Mention is also made of UUVs [Unmanned Underwater Vehicles].This technology seems to represent a kind of 'stealth' characteristic for underwater vehicles and weapon systems. One wonders whether a similar system has been applied to ground or air vehicles to effectively 'cloak' them on an auditory level? These current applications might lead us to suspect that the progress in this technology that has been officially released by DARPA, and the ‘actual’ state of play are two entirely separate things.This will not be a surprise to anyone, of course, and one would expect the U.S. Military to keep their latest leaps in technology under wraps for when they are actually needed.But this could certainly indicate that what we are presenting as ‘state-of-the-art’ in morphing metals is actually nothing of the kind.Which then allows us to consider the ‘proposed’ future advancements with just a little scepticism.Are we simply being ‘drip-fed’ with information about remarkable leaps in material technologies that are just around the corner? Think about it…why are DARPA making all this information publicly available when these projects represent cutting-edge military research and development? They didn’t do that with Stealth. We think there is much more to come, but you can take a look and judge for yourself. Become informed, because we think this ‘material’ will become a big part of your life sooner than you think.l Shape Memory Alloys As incredible as it sounds, material scientists conducting research projects for the American military are successfully creating metals that can not only change shape upon the application of an energy field, but that might soon be able to autonomously ‘self-actuate’!Are we on the verge of creating intelligent alloy materials that have their own memory and motion capabilities? Is this scientific progress an indirect result of the now infamous exotic materials that once fell into the hands of the US Government in 1947? The following executive report explains the state of the art ‘intelligent material’ science produced by a University of Washington-based research group for CHAP, a highly ambitious materials research project commissioned by DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency: The goal of the UW-Instron-DOE Albany project is the design of a robust compact actuator based on polycrystalline ferromagnetic shape memory alloy (FSMA) materials. New materials will also be investigated.A preliminary study of a proof-of-concept device has been completed and is described below: These Iron-Palladium alloys are clearly capable of remarkable shape-changing feats already.The investigating team is now attempting to integrate further ‘intelligent’ components into the alloy, such that there will be no requirement for an external energy field to be applied to the metal to make it reshape.Is this nano-technology at work?The metal itself will incorporate an ‘electromagnetic driving unit’ and, presumably, a ‘position sensor with a central unit.’ How large is the Fe-Pd spring actuator? Just 15cm length by 3 cm diameter.Yet this spring will become an intelligent autonomous machine with a remarkable tensile strength and stroke capability.It will have its own ‘shape memory’. Where have we heard of this kind of exotic material before? Before answering this question, let us explore the nature of these remarkable new materials a little more. The Sarcos research team describes these new forms of actuator in this way: These new actuators are similar in architecture to biological systems (elements arranged in parallel-series assemblies), but use very different building blocks. As in biological systems, the individual elements are optimized for best performance around one operating point… The small elements forming these actuation system achieve high power and energy density by using combustible fuel energy sources and efficient energy conversion via oscillatory and sometimes resonant processes. The power produced by the sources will be modulated at the individual element level rather by means of lossy components such as valves and power transistors, thereby providing power on demand with low power quiescent state. By using a modular architecture where many similar or identical elements are used, mass production methods becomes possible and economies of scale can be achieved. This approach, which we designate as Organismic Systems, is characterized by the use of many elements which are systematically interconnected in terms of structure, physical effort, and information. The Roswell Artifacts In the latest research update by Thomas J. Carey & Don R. Schmitt regarding the Roswell case, they describe up to 9 types of exotic materials variously reported by witnesses to the events of July 1947 in New Mexico. One of these types of metal has particular relevance here: Note: It is this so called ‘memory metal’ that our investigation today refers to as the ‘Holy Grail’ of Roswell since a piece of it, if found, would in our view constitute irrefutable proof that an extraterrestrial spacecraft had been recovered. Colonel Corso In his controversial book ‘The Day After Roswell’ Col. Philip J. Corso (Ret.), the former head of the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army’s Research and Development department, described his own experience of examining similar material alleged to come from the 1947 crash site: There was a dull, greyish-silvery foil-like swatch of cloth among these artifacts that you could not fold, bend, tear, or wad up but that bounded right back into its original shape without any creases.It was a metallic fibre with physical characteristics that would later be called “supertenacity,” but when I tried to cut it with scissors, the arms just slid right off without even making a nick in the fibres. If you tried to stretch it, it bounced back, but I noticed that all the threads seemed to be going in one direction.When I tried to stretch it width-wise instead of length-wise, it looked like the fibres had re-orientated themselves to the direction I was pulling in. This couldn’t be cloth, but it obviously wasn’t metal. It was a combination, to my unscientific eye, of a cloth woven with metal strands that had the drape and malleability of a fabric and the strength and resistance of a metal. I was on top of some of the most secret weapons projects at the Pentagon, and we had nothing like this, even under the wish-list category. Although this appears to be a variant on the metallic artifacts reported by Roswell witnesses, Corso’s account is no less interesting for that, particularly given his claims about what happened to this material.In keeping with his own role as the ‘seeder’ of the Roswell technologies to the giants of American industry, the ‘supertenacious fibres’ allegedly found there way to the research departments of Monsanto and Dow (p235). Furthermore, Corso claims that the material had previously been delivered to the Air Materiel Command at Wright Field (p236). Wright Patterson Air Force Base, as it is now known, is famous in UFO circles for its Foreign Technology division, purported to hold extra-terrestrial craft and artifacts (See ‘Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up' by Timothy Good). Department of Defense Collaborator Given this persistent rumour about the hidden work conducted at Wright Patterson AFB, then it is certainly quite remarkable that this particular base should feature among a select band of DoD collaborators for the CHAP research: Prime Contractor: University of Washington Dr. Minoru Taya, PI, Professor and Director Several other Department of Defense (DoD) agencies conduct research related to DARPA's work in the area of Compact Hybrid Actuators. The following DoD collaborators serve as information resources to the program, promoting knowledge sharing among research teams: Roshdy George S. Barsoum, PhD, PE AFRL/VAS Wright Patterson AFB Garnett Horner Does the role of the ‘Space Operations Vehicle Technology Office’ at Wright Patterson AFB here specifically involve ‘seeding’ information about ‘memory metals’ to the CHAP research teams? This must be a strong possibility. |
Witnesses who found the debris from the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash in 1947 reported seeing metal as thin as the silver foil from a cigarette pack that nonetheless could not be pierced by a bullet. Now Discover Magazine reports that scientists have created what sounds like the same thing. Brad Lemley writes in the April 2004 issue about a metal strip as thin as aluminum foil that cannot be even be severed by wire cutters. When a steel ball is dropped onto it, the ball bounces back and will not go through it. Lemley writes, "It's all astounding, yet oddly familiar. In the typical science fiction film circa 1950, there's that scene in which scientists return from the just-landed flying saucer and tell the Army brass that no tool known to humankind an cut, burn, bend or otherwise scar the hull. But the metal in front of me is decidedly terrestrial in origin—it was developed in Pasadena… "It's called metallic glass, or amorphous metal, and it appears to be nothing less than an entirely new class of material that can be used to build lighter, stronger versions of anything." Amorphous metal is made by rearranging the atoms in metal so they react differently to heat. William Johnson, who helped discover it, says, "This is the structural material of the future." Was it also the structural material of the past for another civilization? A strange type of foam, made up of magnesium and bismuth, with gaps between elements which do not reveal how they are sandwiched together, was also found at Roswell. Johnson says, "A sandwich made of two thin sheets of amorphous metal flanking amorphous foam would be strong, light, insulating fireproof, bug-proof, rustproof, sound dampening, and difficult to penetrate with bombs." “Try to tear it,” says William Johnson, a materials science professor at Caltech in Pasadena. Lemley pulls—first gently, but soon with all his might. No go. “See if you can cut this,” suggests Johnson’s postgraduate assistant Jason Kang, handing him a mirror-bright piece of the same metal. It’s an inch long, a quarter inch wide, and thinner than a dime. He bears down with a heavy-duty pair of wire cutters. The metal will not cut. He tries again, squeezing with both hands until his fingers ache. Nothing. But the most amazing act in this show is yet to come. “Watch,” says Johnson. From a height of about two feet, he drops a steel ball onto a brick-size chunk of the metal. The ball bounces so high and for so long—1 minute and 17 seconds, with a metronomic tick, tick, tick—that it looks unreal, like some kind of cinematic special effect. “When you try that with regular steel, it goes ‘clunk, clunk, clunk’ and stops,” says Johnson. If the metal were glued to an unyielding surface such as concrete (instead of sitting on Johnson’s oak coffee table, which absorbs a lot of the energy), “the ball would bounce for more than two minutes,” he says. “I’ve done it.” |